La acción de Roger Bernat para Documenta 14, The Place of the Thing ha sido saboteada por el colectivo Lgtbqi+Refugees in Greece en los términos que refleja este comunicado:
Boicot a la acción de Roger Bernat en Documenta 14
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Contestación de Roger Bernat:
We thank you for the performance you did by kidnapping the stone. Actually, we felt it was in the air – that’s also why we decided to schedule your action for the end of the calendar in Athens – and avoid further interferences. Our fear, when starting the project, was of not being able to meet any collective enthousiastic enough to believe that the stone had some specific symbolical value: something we never believed (for the same reason we have two more copies of the same stone, one here in Athens and a second one ready to show off in Kassel). How do you want to be mentioned in the program at Kassel? We wish we could see as soon as possible the publicity of your action on the social webs, and the pics of it. It was a bit politically incongruous to keep the money, but we understand that you may need it for your creative and political purposes. Speaking of politics: hey guys, if stealing a fake stone because you believe it symbolizes anything or has any value is the only political action you’re capable of, maybe you should check your political agenda and your artistic parameters! Thank you anyway: enjoy the stone, the money and the Rockumenta: it’s an outstanding contribution to the general aims of the D14.»
que sobrado ! y que patético! Crapumenta llena de presuntuosos cretinos creyendose artistas y forrándose! en fin….
Por cierto, la acción de Roger Bernat en la Documenta 14 es una copia malilla de la acción de Ricardo Basbaum en la Documenta 12
todo lo de Bernat es malo, copiado y oportunista ..pero claro, le alimentan los provincianos de su pueblo con ínfulas de modernez!
«This project, thought as a deconstruction of the notion of Thingspiel, is about seeing which kind of cultural meaning, political value or even religious charisma can acquire for different collectives and individuals an archeological piece. And to see how individuals and collectives can negotiate the absolute pretext the object represents (or also in which measure they develop a kind of belief in its artificial charisma). Each one of the individuals and collectives we consulted on the project created its own idea of it. This group (the LGBTQI refugees) hasn’t done anything different. The piece of scenography (actually a fake stone) was never stolen: we delivered it personally. Simply, it was never given back. There are no Robin Hoods here.»
En fin, que sí, que documenta es muy mala y tal, pero la superficialidad con la que se está mirando y la mistificación de los genios que protestan contra la «exocitación» es terrible.
Bernat es un oportunista y en cambio el oportunismo de los activistas hará pensar sobre el cinismo artistico del momento.. y Bernat es un teatrero listillo a la que le suda por supuesto todo! el usa a la gente de una forma brutal siempre y a su favor.. estará encantado! aunque si fuera de veras honesto consigo mismo se daría cuenta de lo obvio y mediocre que es su trabajo…
Pues a mi me ha encantado, lo he disfrutado, me ha parecido inteligente y bonito y fresco y con esa ironía tan divertida y tan contundente. De las mejores cosas que he visto en la Documenta, qué ratito más bueno.
No conocía ni al artista ni su trabajo.
Felicidades y gracias