Noise & Resistance

Noise & Resistance es un documental dirigido por Francesca Araiza Andrade y Julia Ostertag sobre una escena global, interconectada, en continua guerra contra el capitalismo (según lo describen ellas mismas). De momento sólo puede verse en proyecciones, pero estará en DVD en enero de 2012.

Whether they are squatters in Barcelona, antifascists in Moscow, queer inhabitants of Berlin’s self-governed trailer parks, Dutch unionists, or ageing activists of England’s CRASS collective – they can all be brought down to one common denominator : their protest and music as their means and tool to express it.
Consequently, two filmmakers set off on a journey through subcultural Europe.
In an authentic and complex contemporary document, they tell about members of the DIY scene in different countries -about the protagonist’s motivations, their shared aspirations and ideas of utopia and how they – manoeuvring between reality and idealism – create a parallel universe that functions under its own rules

jose luis espejo en Medialteletipos.

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